WWDC24 Highlights and Apple’s and Announcements

At Monday’s WWDC24, Apple introduced a new AI feature called Apple Intelligence. They also announced an exciting partnership with OpenAI.Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, said, “Apple Intelligence will change how people use our products and how our products help them”. Our unique method combines generative AI with individual user data to deliver precious intelligence. It uses safe, private access to this data to support people in their most important endeavors.

Picture of what is WWDC24

What is WWDC24?

Apple Inc. hosts the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) every year, often at Apple Park in California. At the event, Apple typically unveils new software and technology for its products and applications and occasionally introduces new hardware items. Apple held the event on June 10, 2024, this year, calling it WWDC24.

Software Feature Uncovered at WWDC24

Apple's features that will be discussed in WWDC24

The primary focus of WWDC is software and reports from 2024 suggest that AI could make iOS 18 the best iPhone update in years. Many of these features will likely also appear in macOS. Apple aims to get ahead of its competitors in AI with iOS 18. Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman reports that this update will introduce significant new features and designs, strongly emphasizing AI.

What are the announcements made by Apple in WWDC24?

VisionOS 2

VisionOS 2 includes major updates, especially in photo capabilities. With just a button tap, advanced machine learning extracts left and right-eye views from a 2D image. This creates special photos with natural depth, which look stunning on Vision Pro. Another feature allows users to raise their hand and tap to open the view or flip their hand to display the time and battery level, then tap again to access the control center. It gives quick access to frequently used features like notifications.

IOS 18

IOS 18 is a big release that delivers more ways to customize your iPhone, stay connected, and relive special moments. For example, if one user loves a wallpaper then he/she can even enjoy it after the iPhone has been unlocked. The users can select a group of apps and smoothly place them according to their wishes. In addition to that new looks are available for the app icons in dark mode. This year apple is giving a feature of locking an app that helps to protect sensitive apps and contents. They have even provided to make conversation with Siri easier in crowded places. Where users can just shake their heads in yes or no during their conversation.

WatchOS 11 for Apple Watch

In WatchOS 11 training mode is being introduced. It helps to measure how the intensity and duration of the workouts of an individual is impacting their body. To track intensity new way is designed to rate the workouts of the users. They use calorimetric data like heart rate, pace, elevation, and personal data like age, and weight. This can give a deeper understanding of the user’s body and help them identify what is the thing that’s going wrong.

iPad OS 18

The best feature of shareplay is screen sharing. It helps friends and families living far away. The same share play is going to get better in two ways. Now the users can tap and draw on the iPad to show what they should do on theirs. Even if that is not enough the users can ask permission to directly control their iPad or iPhone remotely. Another feature that will be launching is the math note experience. In this feature, the os automatically solves any expressions for us after recognizing the equals to sign in the math note. Even the changes made in the expressions get updated live in the note of apple company. It can also handle just basic math, which includes all the features of the scientific calculator.

macOS Sequoia

The features listed in the iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 are going to be amazing for the users that use Mac. Expressive messages can be sent and math note provides a great typing experience. Users can plan hikes or other traveling schedules using maps in macOs Sequoia. They introduce even more features that help users make their work effortlessly. Iphone mirroring is another feature on Mac that helps users to use their iPhone from within a Mac with barely lifting a finger.

Apple Intelligence

Picture describing what is Apple Intelligence

It is a personal intelligence system that puts powerful generative models right at the core of iPhones, iPads, and macOS. It protects the user’s privacy at every step and this feature. And deeply integrated into Apple’s platforms and throughout the apps that user relies on to communicate work and experiences.

Hardware Announcements

Apple does not intend to reveal any new hardware devices at WWDC 2024, according to Mark Gurman of Bloomberg. Instead, the company will be concentrating solely on the impending software changes.

WWDC 2024 Dive Insights

Insights and Information on WWDC24

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, said, “Apple Intelligence will transform what users can do with our products — and what our products can do for our users.” He clarified that their novel approach generates genuinely usable intelligence by fusing generative AI with the unique environment of each user.

ChatGPT is a part of macOS Sequoia, iOS 18, and iPad 18. It is only possible due to the anticipated collaboration this year. Consequently, consumers may effortlessly incorporate technology into their experiences without requiring them to switch between apps. Siri, the virtual assistant, can use ChatGPT’s expertise when it deems it beneficial; users must provide permission before sharing any inquiries. Additionally, by supporting Apple’s Writing Tools, ChatGPT will help users create content for their written works. Users can create several image styles by utilizing ChatGPT’s picture capabilities in conjunction with the Compose tool.

Apple announced that iOS 18 will introduce rich communication services (RCS) to Messages, aiming to enhance communication between iOS and Android devices despite its historical reluctance. Alongside this, the company disclosed plans to expand Apple Vision Pro availability to more countries. iOS 18 will also debut a new feature called Messages via Satellite, enabling users to send messages even without cellular or Wi-Fi connections.

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